These amazing animals are often referred to as the "King of beasts". The lion symbol has been used as a sign of royalty for thousands of years, as many humans wish to identify themselves with the "King" of animals.
It's not very surprising that there are so many lion tattoo designs to choose from. Most people choose to get one that is realistic looking. You can have an image of one that is calm or one that is bearing its fangs. A talented artist can even draw one that looks as if it's roaring!

When it comes to tattoo designs and size, you can be as creative as you want. You can have something as simple as a lion head tattoo, or you could have a whole lion drawn on your skin! The size is also up to you. If you want a small lion tattoo that is only a few inches or a large one that takes up your entire back or front, you can do just that!

What about colors? Well, a lion tattoo can be as simple or as beautiful as you want it to be. You can get a lion design with one single color or you can choose a design with different colors. Obviously, you need to take all the details into consideration, such as the color of a lion's fur, mane, mouth, eyes, nose, and so forth.
Many people choose to get tribal lion tattoos that are very intricate and unique. Others like to get a lion tattoo with the animal depicted in its natural habitat. If you want to go all out, you can even have a background of African scenery! This will definitely make the lion stand out a great deal with a colorful background.